Conscious local action towards a sustainable future for the Earth

Sustainable Whanganui Trust wants the whole community to flourish in these changing and challenging times.
We have resources (and considerable collective wisdom) to help our community become
more self-sufficient and live sustainably and creatively.


ENVIROHUB 23 Drews Ave 

Wed, Thurs, Fri 10-2. Sat 9-1

Come and see what’s been added to our stock.


Green Bikes’ workshop is at the back of the building, access is along the laneway by 25 Drews Ave and through the gate.
Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 2-5 and some Saturday events (ask us!)

The Predator Free Trap Library is available when Envirohub is open

Repair Cafe events are held on the last Saturday of each month 11-1 at the Harrison Street Community Church Hall.

Greening Whanganui (former Fruit Trees in Schools programme) is available for plantings in kura/schools and for community groups. Fruit and nut trees, veg gardens, and native trees.

Scroll down for more info on our many projects, events and activities.



Yesss! At the SW office we now have 8 eco-friendly products at our Refill Station: dish, laundry, hand, surface, hair cleaning; bicarb of soda and white vinegar

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We have Hungry Bins

We have Hungry Bins

HUNGRY BIN worm farms for sale at the SW office. Designed and made in New Zealand – these are highly efficient, convenient and they can process up to 2 kilos of food scraps per day!

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For our cycling community

For our cycling community

We’re open Tuesdays 1-5pm, Wednesdays 2-5. Please check the Whanganui Green Bikes FB page for events and updates. Volunteers welcome!

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ReUse Academy

ReUse Academy

Things, things, things! The ReUse Academy rooms are repositories of all sorts of things we are saving from landfill – to be re-purposed, re-used, upcycled, re-jigged and re-loved.

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Unity Food!

Unity Food!

Remember Unity Food is open every Friday at 235 Wicksteed St from 3-4pm. Take a bag and grab some free kai for the whanau.

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Sustainable Whanganui office

23 Drews Avenue
Ph: 06 345 6000

Opening Hours

Proudly run by volunteers! We aim to keep the SW office and ReUse Academy open Wed, Thurs & Fri 10am-4pm and Sat 9am-1pm.
Green Bikes is open
Tues 1-5pm, Wed 2-5pm.