Ko te whakamana hāpori tō mātou aronga.


E hiahia ana te Tarati o Sustainable Whanganui kia whakapuāwai te hāpori i roto i te aohurihuri nei me ngā pekeheke o te wā. He maha ō mātou rauemi, he kāhui tāngata mārama hoki kia tiaki hei hāpori tū ora, kia waewae hūrokuroku, kia ringa auaha.
Tirohia tō mātou whārangi rauemi mo ngā whakatika me ngā kōrero whakatohutohu.



Yesss! At the SW office we now have 8 eco-friendly products at our Refill Station: dish, laundry, hand, surface, hair cleaning; bicarb of soda and white vinegar

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We have Hungry Bins

We have Hungry Bins

HUNGRY BIN worm farms for sale at the SW office. Designed and made in New Zealand – these are highly efficient, convenient and they can process up to 2 kilos of food scraps per day!

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For our cycling community

For our cycling community

We’re open Tuesdays 1-5pm, Wednesdays 2-5. Please check the Whanganui Green Bikes FB page for events and updates. Volunteers welcome!

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Unity Food!

Unity Food!

Remember Unity Food is open every Friday at 235 Wicksteed St from 3-4pm. Take a bag and grab some free kai for the whanau.

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Whanganui Environment Base

83 Maria Place
Ph: 06 345 6000

Haora Tūwhera

Proudly run by volunteers! We aim to keep the WhEB and ReUse Academy open Mon – Fri 10am-4pm and Sat 10am-12pm. Green Bikes is open Fri 10am-4pm.