Whether you’re seeking inspiration for repurposing and upcycling materials, looking for ways to reduce waste, or aiming to boost biodiversity in your area, EnviroHub has something for everyone.
Showcasing our projects – Green Bikes, Repair Cafe, Predator Free, and Greening Whanganui, EnviroHub is your ultimate destination for all things environmental.
With a friendly team ready to support, we’ll point you in the right direction, whatever your enviro needs!

Ecostore Refills
Bulk refills of Ecostore products are on offer at the EnviroHub – bring your own container or use one of ours.
Ecostore refills currently available (at prices cheaper than the supermarket!) are:
- dishwashing detergent
- laundry liquid and powder
- multipurpose spray
- handwash
- shampoo
- white vinegar
- bicarbonate of soda.

ReUse Room
Things, things, things! The ReUse Room at the EnviroHub is a treasure trove for all sorts of things that have be saved from landfill.
Our goal is to have as many things as possible re-used, re-purposed, re-jigged, up-cycled and re-loved!
All items are available to take away for koha.
Pre-school, school and community groups wanting arty/crafty items for projects are very welcome.

Regular workshops provide opportunities to develop skills in sustainability – from tamariki creative art sessions utilising recycled and natural materials to composting and ways to increase backyard biodiversity.
The large meeting room and workshop space are available for community use – email EnviroHub for bookings.
Upcoming workshops are listed on Facebook.

Trap Library
If you are interested in predator trapping and need a trap then come check out the trap library.
It costs only $2 to borrow a trap for 3 months!
There are a variety of traps available targeting rats, possums and mustelids and all are humane.
Traps are available when the EnviroHub is open.

Hungry Bins and Worms
EnviroHub is a distributor for Hungry Bins – designed and made in New Zealand, these bins can process up to 2kg of food scraps per day.
Tiger Worms are also available at $25 for a full ice cream container.
Worms can be purchased with or without the bin.
Pop in for a chat to get all your composting and vermiculture questions answered.

Enviro Connect
Sustainable Whanganui coordinate a quarterly Enviro Educators hui – which has been meeting for many years. It is a great opportunity to catch up with what other educators and get inspired!
We are also regulars at the monthly Whanganui Green Drinks – a branch of Green Drinks International, an apolitical social networking event for anyone interested in sustainability & all things green.
If you’d like to connect with like- minded people and share learnings and opportunities send us an Email.

Planting Kete
Kindly donated by the Department of Conservation and Whanganui District Council, our Planting Kete has both tamariki and adult size tools so you will be sorted for your next planting event.
The Planting Kete is free to borrow and bookings are made through the EnviroHub.
There is also an ever-changing array of seeds available in the community Seed Bank – available for koha.
And if you have excess seeds you’re welcome to donate or swap.

Sewing Machine Repairs
EnviroHub is an agent for Anomaly Ltd NZ who service and repair all brands of sewing machines and overlockers.
Anomaly Ltd NZ is a 100% family-run business based in Kapiti. They have years of experience servicing and repairing household sewing machines and overlockers. Service options and prices are on the Anomaly Ltd NZ website.
Drop off – pick up at EnviroHub.

An amazing team keep the EnviroHub, events and projects running.
Some Volunteers are in the EnviroHub for a three-hour rostered shift once a week, and others come in for an hour or so when they have time. We’re flexible like that.
Offering induction, training and a buddy system, if you would like to join the team please reach out.